Where an In-Scope Organisation has determined that the measure applies to the procurement, suppliers wishing to bid for that contract are required at the selection stage to submit a Carbon Reduction Plan which details their organisational carbon footprint and confirms their commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2050.

Carbon Reduction Plans are to be completed by the bidding supplier1 and must meet the reporting requirements set out in supporting guidance, and include the supplier’s current carbon footprint and its commitment to reducing emissions to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050.

The CRP should be specific to the bidding entity, or, provided certain criteria are met, may cover the bidding entity and its parent organisation. In order to ensure the CRP remains relevant, a Carbon Reduction Plan covering the bidding entity and its parent organisation is only permissible where the detailed requirements of the CRP are met in full, as set out in the Technical Standard2 and Guidance3, and all of the following criteria are met:

  • The bidding entity is wholly owned by the parent;
  • The commitment to achieving net zero by 2050 for UK operations is set out in the CRP for the parent and is supported and adopted by the bidding entity, demonstrated by the inclusion in the CRP of a statement that this will apply to the bidding entity;
  • The environmental measures set out are stated to be able to be applied by the bidding entity when performing the relevant contract; and
  • The CRP is published on the bidding entity’s website.

Bidding entities must take steps to ensure they have their own CRP as soon as reasonably practicable and should note that the ability to rely on a parent organisation’s Carbon Reduction Plan may only be a temporary measure under this selection criterion. The Carbon Reduction Plan should be updated regularly (at least annually) and published and clearly signposted on the supplier’s UK website. It should be approved by a director (or equivalent senior leadership) within the supplier’s organisation to demonstrate a clear commitment to emissions reduction at the highest level. Suppliers may wish to adopt the key objectives of the Carbon Reduction Plan within their strategic plans.

A template for the Carbon Reduction Plan is set out below. Please complete and publish your Carbon Reduction Plan in accordance with the reporting standard published alongside this PPN.

Supplier name: Luye Pharma Ltd 

Publication date: 05-August-2024

Commitment to achieving Net Zero 

Luye Pharma Ltd is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050. 

Baseline Emissions Footprint 

Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.

Baseline Year: 1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023 
Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations. 
Baseline year emissions: 1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023 was the most recent full year of carbon emissions data. 
Scope 1 
Scope 2 0.37548516 
Scope 3  (Included Sources) 378.344 
Total Emissions 378.7195 

Current Emissions Reporting 

Reporting Year: 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024 
Scope 1 
Scope 20.63911319
Scope 3
(Included Sources) 
Total Emissions 350.3454

Emissions reduction targets

Luye Pharma Ltd is an expanding business with new products and employees planned which will be a challenge initially in carbon reduction. Luye are committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050 and will work towards limiting carbon emissions during this expansion.

Carbon Reduction Projects

Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives

The following environmental management measures and projects have been completed or implemented prior to the 2022/23 baseline.

Scope 1

Company Facilities: Luye Pharma Ltd are a homebased Company with office space leased on The Surrey Research Park who have prepared a sustainability plan and target of Carbon Net Zero by 2030.

They continue to improve their facilities this includes the list of interventions below;

  • The installation of LED lighting
  • occupancy/motion sensors
  • air source heat pumps (ASHP)
  • heat recovery and the removal of fossil fuel heating systems.

These interventions have helped achieve the improved performance of their buildings to 85% now achieving an EPC rating of A-C.

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) charging points are available on site.

This data would be reported by The Surrey Research Park and will be excluded from this to avoid double reporting.

Company Vehicles: we do not have any company vehicles, so there are no
emissions from this category included in our emissions data

Scope 2

Purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling for own use: we don’t purchase
any of the energy needed for our buildings as they are all leased and are covered
by the landlord.

Additional employee has led to increase in home working.

Scope 3

Category 4 and 9 upstream and downstream distribution

Over recent months we have reviewed Supply forecasts with intention to consolidate deliveries of product to pre-wholesaler going forward for current and new product launches.

We have been working with main wholesaler to maintain minimum stock levels and to optimise deliveries from pre wholesaler. 

An ESG statement from our pre-wholesaler is current in progress for future CRP’s. 

Category 5 waste generated in operations 

All outers/shippers/shrink wrap is recycled by Pre-wholesaler. 

Pallets are reused by pre-wholesaler unless damaged, any damaged pallets are returned to their supplier to be recycled. 


Folding box and leaflet: no recycled paper is used 

Label: the pulp for this paper comes from FSC® certified forest management. 

Category 6 business travel – 3 employees + 5 contractors 

Meetings are held via Teams/Zoom with face-to-face meetings kept to a minimum.

Travel is via road and air with some hotel stays mainly within the UK with occasional European.
With the recruitment of a F/T Brand Manager in June23 Luye continues to grow with attendance at a variety of Conferences and meetings with 3rd Party Marketing Company.

Category 7 employee commuting – 3 employees 

Luye Pharma Ltd are a homebased Company with office space leased on The Surrey Research Park. Travel to the office is limited with team meetings approx. 2 – 3 times annually.

Travel is via car.

In the future we hope to implement further measures such as: 

Scope 2: 

Encourage employees /contractors to use 100% renewable electricity energy suppliers. 

Scope 3: 

Category 4 and 9 upstream and downstream distribution: 

Continue to consolidate supply chain to reduce product shipments to pre wholesaler including new launches.

Continue to work with main wholesaler to maintain/increase minimum stock levels and optimise deliveries from pre-wholesaler, extend to other customers.

We will continue to partner with logistics suppliers who prioritise their own environmental impact including GEODIS who have an option to adopt their Air & Sea Sustainable Fuel solution.

Category 5 waste generated in operations: 

Integrate sustainability into product packaging and design. 

Category 6 business travel and Category 7 employee commuting 

Maintain Home Working model, where possible limit business travel and commuting, including continued use of video conferencing, to achieve sustainable long-term reduction of our CO2 emissions. 

Employee learning and behaviour change 

Luye Pharma will continue to raise environmental awareness with all employees/contractors; suppliers and customers, encouraging better energy use and reduced waste. 

Declaration and Sign Off 

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans. 

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard4 and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting5

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard6

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body). 

Signed on behalf of the Supplier: 

Name: Andrew Farrant 

Role: General Manager

Date: 05-Aug-2024 | 06:11:32 PDT

  1. Bidding supplier or ‘bidding entity’ means the organisation with whom the contracting authority will enter into a contract if it is successful. ↩︎
  2. Technical Standard can be found at:
    https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/991625/PPN_0621_Technical_standard_for_the_Completion_of_Carbon_Reduction_Plans__2_.pdf ↩︎
  3. Guidance can be found at:
    https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/991623/Guidance_on_adopting_and_applying_PPN_06_21___Selection_Criteria___3_.pdf ↩︎
  4. https://ghgprotocol.org/corporate-standard ↩︎
  5. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/government-conversion-factors-for-company-reporting ↩︎
  6. https://ghgprotocol.org/standards/scope-3-standard ↩︎

Exciting news – for the first time we’re going to be at The Alzheimer’s & Dementia Show on June 14-15 at ExCel London.

New research by the Alzheimer’s Society has revealed the cost burden of dementia care to families.

An article in The Guardian revealed that scientists are to begin piloting simple blood tests for dementia that within 5 years could change how we diagnose the disease within the NHS. Alzheimer’s Research UK and the Alzheimer’s Society have kicked off a £5m project to trial these blood tests. The goal is to identify dementia using just a single drop of blood – an ultimate game-changer.


This section is intended for media, journalists and investors only

A new development in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease is now available that can help reduce symptoms and lessen the care burden for patients and their caregivers. 

Zeyzelf® twice weekly rivastigmine transdermal patch is for the symptomatic treatment of mild to moderately severe Alzheimer’s dementia and it is the first ever patch to be launched in the UK that does not need daily application. 

A study showed Zeyzelf® twice weekly is bioequivalent to daily rivastigmine patches,1 but because it only has to be applied twice weekly, it can be easier to administer and help the patient and caregiver maintain adherence.2 Zeyzelf® twice weekly is also 52% less expensive than some rivastigmine patches.3 

In elderly patients, transdermal delivery of rivastigmine may have advantages over other delivery routes, such as oral medications, as it provides ease of use for the patient and carer, gives greater adherence to prescribed regimens and has less risk of toxicity and ‘dose dumping’.4 Transdermal delivery of rivastigmine, which works by blocking certain enzymes in the brain to help reduce symptoms, is also useful when elderly patients are unable to tolerate or unwilling to swallow tablets.5 

In a comparative study, Zeyzelf® twice weekly demonstrated better adhesion properties than the daily rivastigmine patch – in 95% of patients there was satisfactory adhesion, compared to 67% with the comparison patch.6 Skin adhesion is one of the most important functional properties for a transdermal patch and is critical for the safety, efficacy and quality of the patch.7 Poor adhesion can lead to improper dosing, with additional patches having to be used, which takes up more carer and healthcare professional time.7 

There are currently 900,000 people with dementia in the UK, which is projected to rise to 1million by 2025 and nearly 1.6million in 2040.8 Alzheimer’s disease, which affects multiple brain functions, is the most common form of dementia and it is a progressive condition, with symptoms developing gradually over many years and eventually becoming more severe.9 

The cost of dementia to the UK is currently £34.7 billion annually – an average cost of £32,000 per person, two-thirds of which is paid by the patients and their families either in unpaid care of private social care.10 Treatments such as Zeyzelf® which can be easier to administer and improve compliance can help reduce this care burden.

Zeyzelf® twice weekly is launched by Luye Pharma Ltd, which specialises in diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). The company believes Zeyzelf® twice weekly will offer a significant development in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and it has been well received by patients, clinicians and carers in Spain, where the product launched last year. 

Said Andy Farrant, General Manager of Luye Pharma Ltd: “Zeyzelf® twice weekly patches are an important development in the treatment of Alzheimer’s dementia, where a small change can make a big difference. We know that transdermal delivery can be advantageous to both patients and carers and by having a patch that only has to be applied twice a week, rather than daily, will significantly reduce the carer burden and also potentially improve compliance. 

“Healthcare professionals and carers all recognise that compliance is a major issue in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and Luye has launched Zeyzelf® twice weekly to help meet this unmet need. The product has been incredibly well received in Spain and is being widely used with patients and we hope this will be the same in the UK.” 


For further information or comment from a spokesperson, please contact: 

Justine Rawlins (on behalf of Luye Pharma) 

Mobile: +44 (0)7595 735 902 
Phone: 0161 850 7200 
Email: justine@jrpr.uk.com 

  1. Zeyzelf® twice weekly is bioequivalent to the originator Exelon daily transdermal patch (Schurad B et al. Current Alzheimer Research, 2022, 19, 541-553) 
  2. Zeyzelf® twice weekly transdermal patch, Summary of Product Characteristics, Luye Pharma Ltd September 2023 
  3. Zeyzelf® twice weekly patches provides a considerable cost saving compared to the daily transdermal patch Exelon, with >50% cost savings. Source: NHSBSA Drug Tariff (England and Wales). September 2023 
  4. Dose dumping is a phenomenon of drug metabolism which can cause the premature and exaggerated release of a drug, which can greatly increase the concentration of a drug in the body and thereby cause adverse events or even drug-induced toxicity. Dose dumping is most commonly seen in drugs taken orally (by mouth) and digested in the gastrointestinal tract 
  5. Vadivelu N, Hines R L. Clin Interv Aging, 2008 Sep; 3(3): 421-430
  6. In a study comparing the twice weekly Zeyzelf® patch and Exelon daily patch, Zeyzelf® showed better adhesion properties than the Exelon patch despite the longer dosing intervals (Schurad B et al. Current Alzheimer Research, 2022, 19, 541-553). The EMA (European Medicines Agency) Guideline defines satisfactory adhesion as ≥ 90% of area that remained adhered at assessment. Assessments were taken 24h post application of the patches. Available online at: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/scientific-guideline/guideline-pharmacokinetic-clinical-evaluation-modified-release-dosage-forms_en.pdf 
  7. Wokovich A M et al. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2006 Aug;64(1):1-8 
  8. Alzheimer’s Society. https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/blog/how-many-people-have-dementia-uk#:~:text=Research%20conducted%20shows%20that%2C%20in,the%20current%20rate%20of%20prevalence (accessed September 2023) 
  9. NHS. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/alzheimers-disease/ (accessed September 2023) 
  10. Alzheimer’s Society. How much does dementia care cost. https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/blog/how-much-does-dementia-care-cost (accessed September 2023)

UK-ZEY-006 September 2023